Friday, July 9, 2010

11 33.75S 163 35.12W

Hello All,
We got hit by a bunch of squalls last night, mostly wind and just a little rain. I had the morning shift and got to see a beautiful sunrise. After it got light I looked at my fix to the radar pole to make sure all of that was holding together and right at the top of the pole,basicaly out of reach under way, I spotted another crack starting in the pole right below the radar. I got Jon up and I did a fix with vise grips, wire ties and the boat hook again. So far it looks okay but I am keeping a close eye on it. I have a plan C if it comes to that, I just need to make it to Samoa, then it can break or do what ever it wants to do. I am going to take a lot of pleasure in calling the manufacture of the radar stand and tell them what kind of peace of #$%$ they sold me and that I will get a new one sent to me for free.
That was the excitement for the day and I hope the rest of the trip is so boring I won't be able to stand it lol.
We are making good time so far and the wind has been excellent. I hope we can keep the pace.
That's all for now, I will talk to you soon.


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