Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Nananu Cake Island

Hello All,
We made it to the North East coast of Vet Levu today at 1400. We left Naingani Island at 0730 so we made pretty good time. The weather was much better, sunny with just one squall that hit us. The wind on the other hand was quiet boisterous so I kept the sails down because of the proximity of the reefs and the narrow passages we had to follow along the coast. We made good time with the wind at our back most of the time so we traveled 35 miles in 6.5 hours.
When we arrived at the anchorage there was already a boat here. I saw they had an American flag so we went over to say hello. David and Suzy on there 39 foot boat Sidewinder. They are from California and have been cruising 2 and a half years. They left there boat here in Fiji for the Cyclone Season last year and are now out cruising the Islands. We chatted for a time and they are very interested in the route we took over here so they will stop by tonight and look at my route. They will be doing opposite than us so they wanted to see how to get where we have already been.
David told us about a resort a mile from here so after our little chat Alex and I took the dingy a mile around the Island next door. We just took a little walk and had a few beers and just watched the surf. This resort caters to kite surfers so everyone there had been out in the 20 plus knot winds letting a kite pull them around on a surf board. We talked to an American guy that was there for a few days to have some fun. He is an airline Pilot based out of Guam and he had a few days lay over here. It is amazing who you run into in the middle of know where.
We will leave in the morning making our way to Latoka.
That's all for now.


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