Saturday, August 11, 2012

Old Friends

Hello All,
The last 2 days here have been uneventful,only rain and some wind. It looks like I should be able to leave on Tuesday. I will keep you up to date with my departure.
Yesterday I had an old family friend, Stan Huhndorf, visit the boat. He works for the phone company and was flown down here on business from Kenai. Mom let me know he would be here so I was expecting him. He came down to the boat yesterday morning and bought me lunch and a beer and we just hung out all day visiting. Stan has commercial fished his whole life so he loves boats. In fact he bought a Westsail 43 not long after I left on my trip and plans to do some cruising when he retires in a few years. It was really nice to see someone from home to visit with.
Tonight I have been invited to dinner at the Harbor Masters home. Phil and his family have been the best and his son Ben is counting the hours until we leave. I never intended on spending this much time here but everyone has made my stay very welcoming.
There is a 50 foot British sailboat here I have been visiting with. They are heading for Kodiak and then South East Alaska. They came up here from Hawaii and 600 miles off shore they lost there rudder. They managed to sail the boat without a rudder and got close enough to have the Coast Guard tow them in. They had a new rudder built here and plan to head out when I do. They are retired and have been sailing the Pacific for a few years now. They plan to sail off shore to Kodiak and I plan to sail inside so I hope to meet up with them in Kodiak.
That's all I have for now so I will talk to you soon.


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