Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Preparing to Disembark Dutch Harbor

Hello All,
The last few days I have been visiting on the docks with the fisherman and have been having great conversation with the British sailing boat couple. I had them on the boat the other night and we had a few beers and smoked pink salmon that was given to me in Adak. They invited me over for dinner on their boat Sunday night and had a great visit. Their rudder was just finished this morning so they are ready to head for Kodiak. They will be leaving in the morning and I will be leaving on the afternoon tide. They will be going offshore so we will see who gets to Kodiak first. Phil and Ben came down to the boat tonight and took me to dinner where we had a very good pizza at one of the local cafe's. I also did some last minute shopping for fresh stuff.
The weather looks very good for at least 4 days so I will push really hard for Kodiak. If all goes well we should be there by Tuesday or Wednesday. I will make the trip inside the Islands and make a few stops along the way. The mileage is about the same whether I go close to the Alaska Peninsula or go outside in the Pacific. If the weather is good it will be a very scenic passage.
I will send a position tomorrow night and let you know how it's going.


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