Started off being a lonely week here with out Jon. He left back to Basque on Friday and is starting work tomorrow. It was so cool to hang out with him again after all these years and I'm so glad he gave up all of his vacation time to help me sail the boat down, now thats a good friend for sure.
We went out sailing in the bay for one last time with the go pro on a kite and got some awesome birds eye videos of the boat in front of the golden gate which was very cool. I have the video posted on the videos link on my website.
For me it has been business as usual with work and all. Jon and I got to do a few things together while he was here but for the most part he went out on his own exploring. He had my jeep to drive around so he made a few road trips down the coast to see a few places here. I hope next time he will be showing me around his place in Basque.
Since he left I have been sorting through all my stuff I brought down. The marina gave me a locker to use so I have been slowly but Shirley filling it up with things I don't need bay sailing. The boat still needs a good cleaning inside but at least all the extra things are put away.
I will post a few pics here and in the next few days I will post more on my photos page.
Thanks to all that have followed me through the trip and from time to time I will post a blog to explain what I have been up to. For now the boat is staying put till I get some things sorted out but will be out there again soon I hope.
Have a good evening to all and I will talk to you soon.
P.S. Enjoy the pics below