Hello All,
We just finished a 4 day trip of cruising around some awesome anchorages I have been wanting to visit all summer. We sailed to to most of them and ran the engine very little. We ran into Compass Rose at one of the Islands and had a good visit and a hike around the Island. We stayed the night there and moved to another anchorage the next day and took a 2 hour hike. The weather was great till yesterday when we anchored off the town of Russell which isn't to far from Opua. We went into town and looked around and had a beer. We had very strong winds and rain yesterday so we stayed put on the boat.
This morning was much better so we went to check out the museum. Russell is an old whaling town from years ago so it has allot of history. The museum even has a 1/ 5th model of Endeavor, Captain Cooks boat he came to New Zealand on. After we got back to the boat we took it over to Paihia and went to the fresh fruit market and did a few other things.
We arrived back in Opua at 1630 and got the boat back on the mooring. We all took a shower and went and joined Curious for dinner and what we thought would be the last time I see Steve for a while. He was planing to leave tomorrow but the weather didn't look good so they will leave on Monday.
Speaking of weather it looks like we will be leaving on Monday also. The weather models are starting to show more consistent wind for here and up North which hasn't happened in a few weeks so it looks good for now.
It is getting down to days now and we are all excited. The crew did an awesome job the last four days and we had a great time hanging out. This will be a good passage no matter what happens. We will get the boat fueled and water topped up Sunday and keep are fingers crossed for good weather.
Well thats all for now and sorry it has been so long for an update.
I will keep you posted.