Hello All,
I am up early this morning getting ready to go out fishing Wahoo outside the reef with a few locals this morning. They will be by to pick Jon and I up at 0600.
Yesterday morning all of us went in to have coffee and met a few more people. I would tell you all of there names but I forget them right after I hear them and there is 40 people that live here so we would have to stay a few weeks for me to get all of them memorized.
After hanging out in the village for a few hours Jon and I were asked if we wanted to go fishing for what they call Milk Fish, they are very small fish they put in coconut milk and onions and a few other things and you east it raw. We have had it in French Polynesia before and it is very tasty. So we headed back to the boat and they came by to pick us up. We went about a mile to another motu where there is a lagoon that only fills at high water and they bring a net that looks a lot like a gill net the fisherman use in Alaska and they drag this around by hand in the lagoon. The water is only about 2 feet deep with a muddy bottom. The fish get caught in the net and you go pick them out. It is really basic. We must have came away with 100 of those little fish. After that we helped them clean all of them, it took about an hour with 4 of us doing it.
After they dropped us back at the boat all 3 of us went in to say hello and hang out. They fed us dinner with the new catch and some Lobster and rice.
There was a dessert they fed us also that is made with what they call a green coconut. The husk almost tastes like a turnip. They dig out this husk with a special metal spoon then make mush out of it, add a few ingredients and you have a pudding like treat.
We are having a really good time with these folks and they are so kind. Today one of the guys is turning 21 so Delphine is baking the cake and a few people have came from the other side to help celebrate. We are really looking forward to this and will be so much fun.
I need to get ready to go so I will talk to you all soon