Hello All,
I had a good birthday yesterday, or if I was in Alaska it would be today, Anyway, Mike and I got the boat all cleaned up, Projects are coming to a close so I put a bunch of tools away and you can actually sit down now haha. Last night we went to the beach and I was planing on either hitching a ride or getting a taxi to go to paihia for a birthday dinner. When we got the dingy tied up I ran into some cruising friends and I told them my plan, they said, just borrow our car and go to town. I know so many nice people, so we did and I had a really nice steak dinner, yummy. It was a nice evening and I had a great time.
We are all ready to go basicly, just waiting for weather now. We will cruise the Bay of Islands then head up north 20 miles and check out a few places up there. After that we will work our way to Auckland. I have concert tickets to "Stone Temple Pilots" on the 26th of March so we will be down there before that. They are an old 90's band I really liked and there still going.
Well thats all for now so I will talk to you soon.
P.S. Thank you to everyone that sent me a card here or sent an email to say Happy Birthday, it means allot so far from home.
kisses and hugs to all.