Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Modern war of the Solomons

Hello All
I thought I would give you a little history lesson of an Island group most in the world have never heard of besides the Island of Guadalcanal. This is the story of what is famously called "The Tensions" I call it an all out civil war but being the bear of a very small brain I can't tell the difference. It all started as far back
as WWII. There is an Island here, one of the biggest and most inhabited of the group called Malaita. It is just north west of Guadalcanal. During the war the Malaitans were called on for help for construction of infrastructure for the war effort because there was so many of them and everyone in the Solomons, like in America, came together as one to fight off the enemy. After the war the malaitans made home basically through out the Solomons and being a British colony they put the country back together and lived there basic lives. With a lot of outside interests the Solomons became a major copra and timber export to supply the world. They two called on the Malatians for the labor force.
In 1978 the Solomon Islands declared independence and put together a government to make the country there own.
In 1999 after struggling for years to make a solid country the Malaitans and Guadalcanal had a disagreement and started "The Tensions". Resorts were burned down, Honiara the capital was on fire, people on both sides were killed, the place was a mess. This went on for 4 years and the Prime Minister out of options and a country in ruins asked Australia for assistance. From the work of the Prime Minister and what was left of the Solomon government, what was created still exists here today.
"Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands" (RAMSI) After his meeting with the Australian government 15 South Pacific countries stepped up to help a neighbor in need. Australia, New Zealand, Cook Islands, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, Kiribati, Vanuatu and Nauru. Civilans, police and military from all of the countries listed all showed up at Henderson International Airport in Honiara in July 2003. Not angry but to to bring law and order back to the country. RAMSI is not a permanent organization but only to help the Solomon Islanders through this time of need. RAMSI is working side by side with the Solomon government to educate and train people so this will never happen again. If I can add my own thoughts to the matter I would say there is still heaps of work to be done.
Malaitans are still not very well liked here in the Western Providence and until everyone gets along I would say RAMSI will be here for the near future. They plan to
leave the country by 2014 but I wouldn't hold my breath for that date. It's a story that sounds so familiar to America during our civil war with events and tensions
In conclusion and besides all of what has happened here in the last century I would say the people here as a whole are a very robust bunch and they will make it work
out and in the end to be equals to there neighboring countries. This will be the next Fiji someday, trust me.
It is such a unigue place on earth and the people as a whole are very kind and welcoming and they love America which is good for me as a visitor. If they could only turn down the heat a little bit. I have been all through the South Pacific and this is one of the hottest places I have been and truth be known it is one of the hottest Island groups on the planet, that's a fact.


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