Hello All,
I got the boat out of the water yesterday with out any trouble. Jon and I started cleaning and sanding right away and will get at least one coat of paint on today. It is not an exciting job but it has to be done. The last few days I have been visiting boats I havent seen in months. I met a Danish boat in the Tuamotus with a crew of 10. They just arrived here the other day and had a wonderful visit with them 2 nights ago. We traveled different routes since Tahiti so it was fun to hear of the places they visited. Curious also came in 2 days ago so we are having a family reunion of sorts. The couple that Steve and Trish picked up 2 weeks ago on Waya Island will be leaving tomorrow so we are going to have a going away party for them. They will be going to Suva for a mouth to explore and we were talking to them about splitting the cost of a rent a car and take them there so we can see Suva also.
We will see, the bottom takes priority and then fun.
Thats all for now , i will talk to you soon.
Hi Rick, we need to see a photo of your boat out of the water. Hope that is possible.