Hello All,
Steve and Trish made it back here on Curious 2 days ago from touring the Bay of Islands and invited me over for dinner 2 nights ago with 3 other cruising boat couples. We had a fantastic time visiting and had a very good dinner on board.
The story I wanted to tell you about on the last blog was I met a British gentlemen, David, last week that has a very unique power boat that is set up for polar ice expeditions. It is a power boat that was custom built to do Antarctica and the northwest passage. I was introduced to him by Michelle that works at the marine store and I have been going over to have coffee with him every morning since. He plans to leave here and head for Fiji then Hawaii, Dutch Harbor, Nome, Barrow, through the north pass then on to Britain, where he is from. He is doing it all solo and is a very interesting man. I have so enjoyed talking with him. I have an article that was written about him before he left England ,I'm sure you will enjoy that. I will post when I'm done.
I introduced Steve to him today and we visited on "Polar Bound" this morning. Steve loves adventure and wants to build a boat when he is done with the circumnavigation of Curious to explore the poles himself so tonight we were all invited on Curious for dinner and had an awesome visit.
Alex from France came with me, he is interested in crewing on my boat. We had a great time and Alex is a very cool guy and I hope to work him into my crew list. He can only be on the boat till July so I am hoping for someone to come along with us to crew when he leaves.
Wow, I went from not knowing what to write to writing to much.
We are all going to meet on " Polar Bound" in the morning and David is going to show us all the boat. He gave me a tour days ago but I would like to see it again. He plans to head out on Tuesday for Fiji so I will enjoy his company till then.
I will post his article below, he is very famous in the sailing world and I am sure you will enjoy.
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