Monday, October 31, 2011

Anchored at Santa Ana Island

Hello All,
We got here to the anchorage at 1100 today. Our position is 10 50.21 S 162 27.08 E. I had to run the engine 21 hours to get here. We a least had a good sail for more than half of the way. We got the dingy aired up and headed for the beach. There is a small village here that looks very traditional and clean as a button. The people here all seem very nice and the kids greeted us when we arrived and all 30 of them showed us around. We met the chiefs daughter and signed her yacht book. The chief is in Honiara at the moment and won't be back for a month. This is a very protected anchorage and the Island is surrounded by nice sandy beaches. After looking at all of the entry's in the yacht book since 2006 a relatively small number of boats actually stop here. It is a wonderful little Island. Two of the young kids took us on a 10 minute walk through the jungle to a fresh water lake right in the middle of the Island. It is a huge lake, about half the size of the one I grew up on and was absolutely beautiful.
We will go back tomorrow and take a hike to the other side of the island where there are 2 more villages and take a look around. I wasn't sure what to expect of the Solomon's but so far its been awesome.
Well that's all for now.


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