Hello All,
We had the most beautiful 2 days here since we arrived.I got up yesterday morning and didnt see a cloud in the sky.I told Jon we should climb back up to the top of Alava Moutain so we could have a good view.We invited Ian,he is from Britain and has been here a few months waiting for a boat that would be interested in taking him from here to the States.We had a great hike to the top and when we got up there we were amazed by the view.There wasent a cloud for a hundred miles .We even got to see Western Samoa which is about 60 miles from here, from what I am told that is a rare day here.I retook most of my pictures that I got a few weeks ago and alot more.i will post them here shortly.
I got the radar rewired and everything hooked back up when we returned yesterday so that is another project that is behind me now.I just have a few little things to deal with now so the boat should be ready in a few days.We hope to get out of here the first part of next week then off to Western Samoa.
We saw off Delphine this morning,she is fling from here to Australia to visit some friends so its just Jon and I on the boat now.She was good crew and a friend and I wish her all the best.
Thats all I have for now.
Rick, I really enjoy reading all your blogs and thanks for posting the pictures, AT LAST. It was great getting to actually see where you have been. I can't get over what a great adventure you are on. Safe passage Rick and I'll keep checking in. The boat still looks great!