Hello All,
We had a quiet Sunday here.It rained most of the day so we just hung around the boat.I went out on deck and scrubbed it from end to end,it was filthy.I havent really had the water to spare until now.That took me a few hours to do.My poor boat is showing some signs of wear but I guess thats what happens when you use it everyday.The rain let up about 1700 and it was a beautiful evening so Jon and I took a walk.We made some dinner when we returned and then watched a few movies.
As of this morning we are checked out of Apia.We will be heading for Savaii Island next door.We have picked out a few anchorages to stay at and we will be over there for a week.We had to get permission to anchor there from the Prime Minister, which was pretty easy to do.The hardest part was finding the right office.lol I dont know if there is internet over there.If not,I will be using the SSB radio again to keep in touch.
We have had a very good stay here and I cant say enough about the Samoan people.They are truly unique and very proud to be Samoan.We are told Savaii is beautiful and sparsely populated so we should get a real taste of authentic Samoan culture.Before I leave this paradise I will write a blog comparing American Samoa to the Western Independent Islands.I am still feeling this place out and after seeing Savaii I will have a conclusion to share with you.
P.S. Jon and I went to the Fresh Fruit Market this morning just to look around and we found a locally grown Pamplemousse.Jon spotted it and said,Rick,look a Pamplemousse.Both of us were drooling at the site of the 8 inch around green mellon.The gal selling them said,that is a grapefruit and I said no no, thats a Pamplemousse and ill take it.
We are in heaven once again.
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